Slime Line
Excerpts in Lit Hub and Hopkins Review.
“Recovering the Opposable Thumb” in Alaska Quarterly Review 39.3.
“Metamorphosis” in Gulf Coast 35.2.
"Ramp Bros" in Southern Review.
"The Anthropologist Problem" in Salamander.
"Take Me Home" in Hopkins Review.
Christmas Tree Diary in The Paris Review.
"Palcoholics" in Electric Lit.
"Trying to Keep Up With Grandma's Love Life" in The New York Times and The Modern Love Podcast.
"Loiterers" in Belt.
“Slaughtering Hogs” in Chattahoochee Review 39.2.
"Hitchhiking through Florida" in Hobart.
“Rattled: On the Recklessness of Loving a Dog” in Catapult.
"The Burbs Have Eyes" in The Baffler.
"Uncovering America's First Oil Landscape" in Belt.
"Mike Rowe's Dirtiest Job" in The New Republic.
"John Henry and the Divinity of Labor" in Current Affairs.
"Remote Work Incentives are a Scam" in Protean Magazine.
"Freeze-Dried Pets are Forever" in Slate. Republished in Newsweek Japan.